Monday, February 23, 2015

I read a really interesting blog post from the Editor-Sanomat, where he writes his brother

I read a really interesting blog post from the Editor-Sanomat, where he writes his brother's alcoholism. Blog Writing to read this. I have followed very close to three nearby alcoholism very close and this third alcoholism, then a little bit at a distance. In the latter case, the end was aware of the distance. Simply own resources, oliocarli the failure to use an alcoholic. Always did not cope when you feel that all necessary measures are already taken. Alcoholism world is sad and cruel world and its own erheeni has been the fact that I have the first two intervened and tried to help. The reasons I will not bother here avata.Voin all honesty, however, tell you that it was a stupid and thoughtless error, which is across the street from and the rest of my life. The worst thing is that I am up to my actions likely oliocarli contributed to the progression of the disease. I believe that the Finnish multi-point circle of acquaintances alcoholism, oliocarli and I can tell you that I understand the osaltani all the pain, despair, of pity, forgiveness, and the anger that you meet the alcoholic and his policies to. All this range of feelings demonstrated the transmission, but the main character is a lack of caring oliocarli and assistance to (or even acquisition). We live in a culture where the sweeping problems under the carpet, as well as sensitive as ashamed and ujoon style hymisemme only difficult issues, and in many cases even deny them. Hymistely, denial, and on the side of the feeds, however, a very bad way of life as an alcoholic Ulla Appelsin blog to write. Especially! oliocarli : Giving money, loans, guarantees, debt repayment, etc. Are only indirectly helping themselves to the problem, it is like throwing fuel to the fire. First, on hope. "Well, I got to organize assisted him in financial matters, and perhaps he is now to improve the way as promised, on receipt oliocarli of a new start." Then follow oliocarli the confusion, disappointment and sorrow. "Oh, he does not even ryhdistäytynytkään promised." Then comes the anger, rage, anger, the greater the disappointment, and, above all, self-accusations. "I gave my money to his great goodness to help, but he will continue even their lives! What did I do wrong? How can I do otherwise? Would it help if I gave more money?" Avoid it. Helping does not mean money, unless this money, then acquired a concrete treatment. This assistance may be applying for assistance, assistance in pairs to control - simply the absence of illness itself. Lift the cat on the table. And keep it there. --- I would like lettering to send forces oliocarli to every reader who struggles with alcoholism in their lives nearby. And remember: oliocarli Keep, above all, take care of yourselves!

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