Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Persian date Aban 1391 on Saturday 27 at 7: 40 B.zmntshr is. This is a subset of literary food

A. Nouraghaei | Homepage Archive "R." How Low "Lvrlay" is
Pastor and love "Rana" was. "Rana" but unofficial candidate "flower", was the son of the village chief. "Nowruz" the lovers "H" and "R." aware hastily arranged a wedding ceremony food cans and "Rana" to break into his house to get rid of the "H" food cans disengage.
This attractive and interesting story that I've quoted it in short, a song motif that most people Gilan and Mazandaran and a number of people are familiar with. It tells the story of a real tragedy, but it's food cans a song that was created rapturous excitement brings unforgettable.
Apart from the importance of musical and sociological studies of how migration and distortion of the song, to the point of literary and cinematic events that cause the song to the people "Eshkevarat" It has been payment.
If the reader of this website, you probably have an issue with the legend "Lvrlay" Loreley, river and valley of Miss Mermaid "Ryan" wrote Germany to read: 17628
In fact, the Germans of a folk song created an extraordinary appeal and guarantee the prosperity food cans of the region. I think the song "Rana" could play the same role that the song "Lvrlay" match.
Note that the place is now called "conductor Valley" there are apparently some of the locations listed tragedy remain. Even among the lines of the song names are listed as owners actors true story "H" and "R." were.
The song "Rana" can be a path element "literary tourism" is that I'm going Trahyash. The love story "H" and "Rana" is a good platform for the creation of a feature film, a documentary or even a fascinating novel. Kelidar Dowlatâbâdi needed and more.
The Persian date Aban 1391 on Saturday 27 at 7: 40 B.zmntshr is. This is a subset of literary food cans tourism. You can write your comment about this article. 22 Comments on "" R. "How Low" Lvrlay "and" Venus wrote: Saturday 27 Persian date Aban 1391 at 8: 26 pm
I thought I would put it online. What should we ask literary tourism? . Answer: Hi. Was held. Last December Brgzarsh Although we do not have someone to put his money where you play or how hard'm not tolerated. Sweet wrote: Saturday 27 Persian date Aban 1391 at 9: 22 pm
So what we try? Greeting . Answer: Hello to you. Fish wrote: Saturday 27 Persian date Aban 1391 at 9: 40 pm
keep going please . Answer: Hi. Yours. Mehta wrote: Saturday 27 Persian date Aban 1391 at 9: 45 pm
Congress certainly a good place to be, if you are straining our help to remember, happy and gets Aftkharmvn. .. Answer: Hi. I really like the people that they could also assist in meeting the kiss. But must be present, not remotely. Sin Sin M wrote: Saturday 27 Persian date Aban 1391 at 9: 57 pm
Oh, it was great ... we had so much impressed Grftm.kmky of you say ... a wonderful idea verse ... good luck .. Answer: food cans Hi. Thanks for your help. I hope we can cooperate. food cans Anahita wrote: Saturday 27 Persian date Aban 1391 at 11: 31 pm
We are ready to help. A Frahvan your help on this. All donations food cans to aid people writing - Journalism - Photography - computer food cans conference location - Pzyrayy- holding power - and even host. Will participate in the call .ltfaayn

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