Friday, November 29, 2013

Decades ago in the research allowed some scientists specialists using their knowledge and experienc

The modified foods from hot topics between shows and a supporter, has covered news releases and scientific in recent times, particularly in European countries, organizations and supporters of the environment, and concerns of the public and communities, objected in its entirety on genetically modified foods, and there are research and recent studies were also a bone of contention and controversy about the effects and consequences of genetic engineering on food .. Those things and others topped the concerns and feelings of the people and doubts modified foods. Since there is a lot of questions and queries raised, in addition to claims intensify research kajaria ceramics limited and study to make sure the safety of the use of these foods, and other claims creates systems kajaria ceramics limited and new measures kajaria ceramics limited to legalize the deal with GM food safely, I will try to address the most important attempts and issues throughout the research and clarify some important aspects kajaria ceramics limited about this topic sensitive.
Genetically modified food is a term that has become common usage refers to a plant that is synthesized for human and animal consumption using the latest techniques of biology, kajaria ceramics limited and genetic engineering "genetic engineering." The purpose of the alteration, modification of plants kajaria ceramics limited in the laboratory is to improve the properties desired in terms of improving the quality and nutritional value, taste and the provision of adequate food supply for the world's population. In addition to increasing the plant's resistance to environmental factors, kajaria ceramics limited diseases and insect pests that harm crops of several centuries, and concern for the protection of the environment and wildlife.
The stimulating properties of unwanted had been interest in him in attempts ancient through care plants, and cultivated and nurtured by traditional methods recognized for improving crop yields by choosing kajaria ceramics limited breeds good pollination and hybridization, but those roads where a huge waste of time, effort and money, which is not guaranteed results, and biotechnology kajaria ceramics limited New is an extension of the old traditional ways, and through genetic engineering and biotechnology of the plant can be moved a large number of genetic information (genetic), thus providing a taste of the plants where the required kajaria ceramics limited specifications accurately and more quickly.
The traditional way of cultivation include the passage of hundreds or thousands of genes, while biotechnology allow the passage of a single gene or more of the desired genes only, this modern science Most Accurate kajaria ceramics limited allow farmers to develop crops useful properties, and get rid of the undesirable properties.
For example enables specialists in plant genetics to isolate the gene (gene) is responsible for drought resistance, kajaria ceramics limited and enter it in various other plants, and the plants will acquire this new feature also modified drought resistance.
Do not stop the process when the gene transfer of the plant to another, but can also use the genes of organisms is vegetarian, diseases and insect pests of corn or crops other naturally present in bacteria kajaria ceramics limited that produce a protein crystal is considered fatal for the larva of the insect, and the genes of the protein crystalline bacterial origin can be transferred to corn to give them the characteristic impedance diseases insecticides, and using a similar technique can produce fruits kajaria ceramics limited and vegetables taste good and improve properties such as tomatoes best in the contents and improve the property survival and stored for longer while keeping Bndhartha, as well as improving the nutritional value of the seeds of some plants that produce oils, with reducing the amounts of saturated fat in their content. And this is to reach a better food than the food and health.
The genetic material "DNA" of the various creatures and organisms are considered mainly similar in essence. It is a set of instructions kajaria ceramics limited that directs cells to work and composition of the protein, which is the basis and strength of life, the genetic material, whether originating from a living organism (plant or an animal or a human being) are made of the same material, kajaria ceramics limited with the passage of the years, researchers have discovered how to move a particular piece of genetic material from one organism neighborhood to another.
The first step carried out by researchers in the transfer kajaria ceramics limited of genetic material kajaria ceramics limited is cut and the separation of a piece of a gene from a series of genetic material by using an enzyme called "scissors" to make the pieces kajaria ceramics limited at a specific location along the strip of genetic material, and have been used by researchers later those shears to cut a hole in the plasmid is a for an episode kajaria ceramics limited of the genetic material are mostly found in the cells of bacteria, the researchers then process paste or put a piece gene in the plasmid, and through the ends cut both the plasmid, and a piece of the gene unite and Iltsqan chemically, and are linked with some of the formation of plasmid containing kajaria ceramics limited the new gene, In order to complete kajaria ceramics limited the process, the researchers are using another enzyme kajaria ceramics limited to process the paste to place new gene.
Decades ago in the research allowed some scientists specialists using their knowledge and experience and knowledge in genomics to improve agricultural crops, such as corn, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, and coming in research to make sure the improvement of agricultural crops present, and maintain the continuity kajaria ceramics limited of agricultural production through kajaria ceramics limited improving the quality of vegetable seeds used.
With increasing public awareness started a lot of people understand more deeply the relationship between man sound in body and stable emotionally, socially, and between the natural processes of the planet that contribute mainly in construction and life from all sides, I've realized people and verified that the energy of the earth to provide air and water "Alnkien "soil" fertile

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