Friday, December 6, 2013

200 grams diced potatoes

Blog specializing in mushrooms (mushrooms), which is called Bethlehem poor because it is rich in protein, such as meat, as it is free from cholesterol and has many vitamins and bring him meals and delicious treats many diseases such as gout, blogger: Hassan Ni / teacher mccain micro chips expert in biology stage secondary, head of unit training and quality mccain micro chips Okasha secondary school, and the director's website Husseiniya secondary school girls. 00201222790671, hassan.metwally @
Mushroom belongs mccain micro chips to the kingdom of fungi. And such plants, the fungi have a cell wall and can not move and can fungi absorb water and nutrients and substances into the cell. But a poor ability to use energy from the sun through the chlorophyll to produce food. For this reason, fungi depend on other organisms for food.
These fungi grow on living plants, mccain micro chips but do not harm them. Lived an existence where cooperative with the plant such as Fly Fly Agaric mushrooms that grow in a manner symbiotic with birch or pine trees and the mycelium or what is known as a gathering Alheivat fungus grows on the roots of trees. Thus, there is a need for sugar mushrooms and fungi give the tree nutrients. This process mccain micro chips allows for the birch trees survive in poor soil.
Fruiting body of the fungus consists of a hat and be Muftouhhand access to the stage of maturity. The bottom of the hat show gills gills which carry the bacteria spores. mccain micro chips Basidia bearing gills on its surface. (Single basidia is basidium) basidium consisting of one or four cells carrying four basidio spores mccain micro chips on short stalks. Bisidiospore
Materials that permit the growth of the mycelium is called substrate (growth environment). mccain micro chips Better environments rely on: the nutrients available, and compactness (the extent of the pressure in the growth environment), and water content, hydrogen (pH), microbial activity.
There are many different growth mccain micro chips environments that suit many types of fungi and the different mccain micro chips environments of growth depends on the different nature of the growth of the fungus is where you Mtermm or an intruder or an interdependent, the table below shows the different environments for different types of Alparwmyat.
Some types of edible mushrooms can not grow on substrates directly, mccain micro chips so is the need to be fermented. During the fermentation of some of the material, the polysaccharides, cellulose and hemicellulose degrade to make growth more favorable environment for the growth of fungus. Temperature rise during this process. But necessary to avoid heat loss and water are covered heap fermented in plastic or buried in a pit.
Grain, sawdust or compost containing large numbers of contaminants. Buckwheat as one might contain an estimated 100,000 bacteria, and fungi than 25,000 and more than 400.000 Actinomycetes. Each one of these pollutants are able to thwart the process of germination of mushrooms.
Many farmers are adding wheat bran or rice stackable heap before or during the crumpling, microorganisms in the heap will be used Almaveat quickly which leads to raise the temperature of compost and this speeds up the process of pasteurization.
In nature uses mushrooms mccain micro chips germs (spores) for breeding these germs are very small and it is difficult to carry by hand to prose and cultivated by the farmer as the genetic traits will change from parents' generation to generation sons if planted by bacteria, and the bacteria need time to grow and spores fungi rival may overshadow its growth on the growth of unwanted fungus spores Vtfhl germination process.
All these reasons have led to the preparation of seeds of the fungus in the lab, where it is the germination of spores or the texture of mushrooms among food sterile and designed specifically for the germination of mushrooms desirable, result from this step emergence Almaysleom White on the food environment shall be the next step to double this Almaysleom to produce seeds (spawn)
Alojaralom environment (Mother culture on agar) and then seed grain mother (mother spawn on grain in bottles) and then the final seed grain, as it is easy to use native seeds to prepare the seeds wooden clogs (wood plugs) seeds or sawdust or wood sticks. Following the process of production of seeds and agriculture production Almiceleom of the fabric of mushrooms (tissue culture) and then back to the production environment mccain micro chips agar mother.
200 grams diced potatoes
6 - The last step is the sterilization center and food are placing pipe holder and placed in a pressure cooker is intended for the purposes of laboratory and left to sterilize for 20-30 minutes, then be extracted from the pot and put it diagonally on the table so cool, take into account that does not reach broth center food to cotton plug and the plug, but Sttsch Balajar and cause pollution to the environment of growth.
There are many grains can be used for the production of seeds such as wheat, barley, millet, rice and corn. Some farmers prefer to use millet because Isthml sterilization process for a long time does not Isthmlha wheat is not frayed, as many of the germs may survive the interior mccain micro chips of the sterilization mccain micro chips process for wheat.
Boil grain until similar degree of moisture in whole grains and then packed in jars or glass bags polyethylene heat-resistant to not be squeezed through, you can add all of gypsum (CaSO4. 2H2O) chalk (CaCO3),, to improve the strength of the grain and the stability of the hydrogen (PH) . The percentages are added,
After the sterilization process graduated jars or polyethylene bags and leave to cool for a full day even organized temperature invert the bottle and the temperature is suitable for the growth of Almiceleom. Is then inoculated grain pal mother mccain micro chips culture with a rent of dimensions 10 10 mm, and this operation is carried in the high sterilizing conditions. And then left for holding the growth in the degree appropriate for the growth of any fungi 20-25 degrees a percentage

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