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November 15, 2012, 17:55
Fear, as we know, has big eyes. While our svezhepererizbranny President Obama mumbles about diplomatic ways to solve the Iranian problem, is silent about the new Hamas-Israeli war, and exposes as an undoubted success "reset" Maxim Shevchenko expressed concern that a new term this man led the U.S. lead "to more liberal olive tree wood pressure peace in the traditionalist "(under the last, one must understand Leonardovich Maxim has an alliance of countries, regimes that shoot back protesters for fair elections, and pursue as" treason "contacts with foreigners - but oh well, that's why I like something called Shevchenko "tragic olive tree wood hostage inettlektualnym Russian realities"). Dear Maxim Leonardovich, how I wish that you were right! However, direct evidence of loyalty to your interpretation sitiatsii little while, but if they accumulate, the Obama canopy feet under the keel! Incidentally, I note that the "liberal" project provides a perfect field implementation and healthy conservative ideas and movements. Here, Yushchenko in Ukraine, Viktor Orban in Hungary, Sarkozy, Bush, Berlusconi, Cameron, Merkel and Erdogan in Turkey - is not conservatives? Meanwhile, while some, such as Maxim Leonardovich "gnobit" Obama for "aggressiveness", others do it for exactly the opposite: it is a symbol of supposedly "socialist decay of America." Then we Yulia Latynina Leonodovna, vtorimaya and weight of our local bloggers emigrant ralziva, will talk about "the triumph olive tree wood lyumpenizma" the citadel of the free market, forgetting that it chestimye "lumpen" mostly humpback who at construction sites, who at the car, and who toilets most of these "white masters" cleans. Incidentally, during the second presidential debate, Obama very well noticed that when retired U.S. Army soldiers, for example, receive assistance in the form of pensions, benefits in education, etc., it is not "sop despotic state" and deserved reward. olive tree wood And any self-respecting state has at least the right and duty to just do something, to help socially those who etoim needs. And now, need many. Or are you, dear Julia L., seriously think that an increase in the number of recipients of the same "food-Stamp" in the U.S. is an indicator on the one hand, the culture of dependency, and on the other, conspiracy to seize state control over the economy? Then hasten to disappoint you: first, personally know a lot of small business owners who agree with Obama's health olive tree wood care reform and other "socialist" measures; secondly, by his own observation, I can say that the people sitting on the dole, usually try to take on lyubyu work to a social bottom crawl, and many people work to receive benefits, and sometimes find jobs is through the same structures olive tree wood that benefit they are paid (I myself, by the way, once when he was velferschikom, participated in the "Program olive tree wood of work experience", forcing recipients to fulfill issued them money one way or another, I personally was a volunteer interpreter at the hospital for about a year and this work what is called a "species seen enough"). And thirdly, these benefits in the United States account for a maximum of one thousand dollars per month (including fudstempy); them in any not too stretch! Yes, circumstances may chase a lot of people in a situation where without these benefits, they will not survive, and that you like the order of 150-200 years ago, when overheating "invisible hand of the market" olive tree wood periodically threw thousands of people on the street, thereby endangering himself svobodnomui The Society? I think it's better to "hard working and talented" rich pay off the "lumpen army" than to wait when it comes to them with sticks and clubs? It is true that not everyone is equally successfully managed then to get benefits, but then again, there probably blame economic conditions, and not for the "parasites." olive tree wood In different economic models olive tree wood within a free society, there may be different priorities and different same distortions in the USA traditionally lower unemployment, but weaker, this is the "grid sots.podderzhki"; plus the budget deficit (by the way, some economic theories just do consider it a positive factor, but in a couple of states in the U.S. even e
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