Friday, July 18, 2014

It is the heritage of the ancestral heritage of ancient civilizations will know why were not the ti

It is the heritage of the ancestral heritage of ancient civilizations will know why were not the time of disease were not widespread and chronic, such a quantum terrible disease at the time of the current science stunning unable to cure chronic disease, which is called the time of cesarean section and the demise and the demise food expiration of a natural birth. Blog Tnqllk impossible to present food expiration possible time, the time of eating margarine, butter and twist without the disease.
Olive oil!! He said peace be upon him (EAT oil and Adhnoa do it from a blessed tree) God says in the Holy Quran, "Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth, such as light Mishkat the lamp in the bottle like a planet Dre pours from a blessed tree olive tree is not Eastern nor Western almost its oil shines if it does not fire Thompssh, Nour Nour Allah guides whom Light and God strikes parables for men, and God all things "(Light 35). consistently people food expiration on the cultivation of olive trees in the Mediterranean since 4000 years and the increased interest in these trees with a growing dependence on olive oil in their daily lives as more oils versatile in terms of usage as used by people to cook their food in the manufacture of soaps and as a fuel for lighting and as a medicine indicated for him against some diseases food expiration and other uses of old. has begun peoples of the world are far from the Mediterranean basin to just identify the olive oil, which found his strange taste palatable and then taking this oil en route to restaurants in many parts of the world, but that the wrong belief that prevailed until recently that olive oil is one of the hard fat digestion extent of Iqbal by many. Began olive oil occupies a prominent place in different parts of the earth in the seventies of the last century, after the publication of a number of medical research that has shown that the population of the Mediterranean basin are the least susceptible to disease and heart problems and that the reason for this is due to the consumption of large quantities of olive oil in their diet, as the olive oil is rich in anti-oxidant that protect human risk of atherosclerosis in addition to the 77% of this oil is composed of unsaturated fats mono (good fats). at the end of the eighties of the last century saw the West a huge surge in the rate of consumption olive oil, for several reasons, the most important man went west toward better diets and the tendency to return to natural foods, as well as the willingness of an individual to the western spending more money on food. Olive oil and health: Recent studies have shown that olive oil (1) help the growth of the central nervous system of the human being. (2) increases the body's immunity to fight against oxidant responsible for many cases of physical ill-health such as premature aging and inflammation diverse and analyzes of blood and cancerous tumors and mental illness. (3) In addition to the above, it has been proven that the inhabitants of the Mediterranean region, who rely on olive oil their diet, they are less prone to the risk of thrombosis, or blood clots than others who you rely on animal fat to cook their food in addition to that frying foods in olive oil increases the nutritional value and makes it easy to digest unlike frying foods using animal fats. (4) has also proven to be olive oil therapeutic properties of some pathological conditions such as stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal tract. food expiration (5) The intake of olive oil protects against gallstones are in the human body. Properties of olive oil consists of olive oil in most (77%) of the fat acid mono unsaturated, which works to prevent oxidation and increase the rate of good cholesterol and reduce the rate of cholesterol bad quite unlike food expiration fat acidic multi-unsaturated, which are oxidized in the body, causing hardening food expiration of the arteries, and no more than lipids food expiration acidic multi-unsaturated olive oil 4% to 12%. nor is a cholesterol-lowering bad blood only feature which is characterized by olive oil it contains food expiration vitamin (E) and composite polyphenols (namely, food expiration two sailboats were normal Maanaan antioxidant) who are working together on reduce the risk of certain cancerous tumors. As olive oil is rich in vitamins (A, D, K), which dissolve in oils and do not break down by heat during cooking, and as these vitamins are stored for long periods in the human liver, the man does not need to eat foods containing these vitamins in every meal , it must be noted here that the excessive intake of these vitamins may cause poisoning. Olive oil and arthritis: A study conducted on some of the residents of southern Greece that eating olive oil and cooked vegetables in abundant quantities reduces the risk of disease arthritis. Did scientists can determine the underlying causes of infection disease arthritis, but they are sure that the factors Genetic hormones and dietary close relationship injury with the disease and that olive oil effect in reducing the risk of infection, it has proved to researchers that people who eat copious amounts of olive oil are less susceptible to disease arthritis at a rate of Representatives and half of the people who eat small amounts of it. He could not, researchers know the mechanism by which it operates olive oil to reduce the risk of disease arthritis specifically, but they reckon food expiration that the material anti-oxidant vitamin (E) who Ihtoehma olive oil a role in the prevention of this disease. researchers pointed out that diets prevailing in the United States include unhealthy fats break productive hormones increase the risk of disease arthritis while the fats contained in olive oil breaks up productive hormones work to reduce the risk of this disease. EAT oil and Adhnoa him, "I swear to God in the Koran great olives, he said:

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