Saturday, April 18, 2015

Message Col. Benedict Claudio Moreira, the Federation of Academies of MILITARY HISTORY AND LAND Bra

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Howard Gardner's Theories have OPENED doors in 1983 to What Do You Assess for People and students do we have NOW for work schedule and it seems to ne ...
本 物 の 世界 的 に 有名 な ブ ラ ジ ル 人 ア ー テ ィ ス ト! Cenira は 近代 的 な, 象 徴 的, ア ー テ ィ ス ト 混合 メ デ ィ ア 環境 で す. 33年以上にわたり 彼女は作成され 自然 宇宙と他の寸法 に触発されている芸術精神的な先見の明を示した 彼女は彼の芸術のために3つのメダルを受け取った 彼女は表現...
Message Col. Benedict Claudio Moreira, the Federation of Academies of MILITARY HISTORY AND LAND Brazil AHIMTB / Resende, THE INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON THE WAR III Campo Grande in Paraguay SC 27/30 2011 The Paraguayan War: A LABORATORY OF MILITARY LAND Little Instruction Col. Claudio audit Moreira potato wafers Bento (x) Characterization Summary From 1865 to 1870 the River Plate Basin was the scene of conflict between nations most of America - Paraguay War. Side intends Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, which formed the Triple Alliance against the Government of Paraguay. A starting place shortly after the end of the Civil War in the United States, the internal conflict between the industrial potato wafers North and the South and slavery in that country agriculture. The Civil War to consider the first major conflict potato wafers of the Industrial Age. Conflict harbinger of war were reported. In it, with the support of the steam engine made possible the production of a series of ammunition, weapons and a large increase in the density of surface fire on the battlefield. This forced the fighter to survive, to bury in the ground potato wafers looking for shelter, better known by the trenches - the trademark of World War I in its first phase. The Civil War, the War with Paraguay many similarities potato wafers and received strong impact, only been studied critically in the light of the grounds of the Art of War, between the last two World Wars. The leaders, thinkers, planners and historians US military greatly regret the delay of the study, because of the valuable lessons and suggest that it may be included in military doctrine of the US Army in World War I. And more they were aware of the importance of conflict in the context of the evolution of the World Military Instruction. Military-Historical Significance of the War of Paraguay The Paraguayan War, the greatest conflict between nations in the Americas and most experienced military in Brazil today lacks a critical military deeper, as indeed almost all the history of the Brazilian military world. The study was, for the most part, empirically, rather potato wafers than scientific or critical light on the fundamentals of Military Art and Science. His approach was to be done, mostly, and descriptive and not analytical or critical. In the last two aspects, critical and analytical, is that military history contributed to the formation of the great captains of history: Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Gustavus Adolphus, Frederick the Great, Napoleon and many others, as they announced as well as our own big of Caxias Duque, contained in flanking maneuvers and Humaitá Piquiciri, we now study in the War, secure passport to appear, without any favors in the gallery of the great captains of history or of the great masters of Art of War. Analytical and critical study of military history, and so emphasized by Frederick the Great, the teacher of your child matters "is not teaching my son to teach a parrot Military History. Do you meditate, and rationing own conclusions and teachings." The Most approaches potato wafers descriptive and not critical or analytical and scientific as well as mentioned in our military history, in light of the foundations of Military Instruction, contributed to the prestige of the discipline among our ranks. And this was justifiable, for they saw no practical results of the activities of history, in the sense of contributions to the development of the Brazilian Military Instruction, with progressive levels of nationalization, but the best part is existing in Army doctrines of major powers and powers military world .. Indices progressive nationalization trampled in critical study - our military experiences accumulated in almost five centuries, internal struggles and external, in various corners of Brazil. Experience biggest win, who helped shape and maintain Brazil's continental dimensions that are the work of a miracle. potato wafers But as a result of a large, sensible solutions for strategic military, tactical and logistical Brazilian. Solutions resulting, in turn, applied the fundamental right of the Art of War to the problem of Brazil, and Brazilian Portuguese by the military of the past, characterized by a constant factor in military decision potato wafers - the Land of Brazil, with features many - and an important and distinctive element of the military factor - the Brazilian soldier. We believe that many of their

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