Monday, September 23, 2013

About us Who are we? About UNESCO Governing Bodies Member States Executive Director

About us Who are we? About UNESCO Governing Bodies Member States Executive Director Goodwill Ambassadors Secretariat History What we do Where we are Programme UNESCO House Welcome olive harvesters to the headquarters of UNESCO Field Offices and Institutes Centres Contacts
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In addition to its outstanding landscape of cliffs and sandy plateaux with some beautiful architecture (houses, granaries, altars, sanctuaries and toguna - shelter for men), the site of the Bandiagara region has prestigious social traditions still alive (masks, ritual and folk festivals, cults periodically made to the ancestors through several ceremonies). The geological, olive harvesters archaeological and ethnological features and landscapes, the Bandiagara plateau is one of the most impressive sites in West Africa. olive harvesters
The Bandiagara website is an outstanding landscape of cliffs and sandy plateaux with some beautiful architecture (houses, granaries, altars, sanctuaries and Togu Na, or communal meeting-places). Several age-old social traditions live on in the area (masks, feasts, rituals, and ceremonies Involving ancestor worship). The geological, archaeological and ethnological interest, together with the landscape, olive harvesters make the Bandiagara Plateau one of West Africa 's most impressive sites.
In addition to its outstanding landscape of cliffs and sandy plateaux with some beautiful architecture (houses, granaries, altars, sanctuaries and toguna - shelter for men), the site of the Bandiagara region has prestigious social traditions still alive (masks, ritual and folk festivals, olive harvesters cults periodically made to the ancestors through several ceremonies). The geological, archaeological and ethnological features and landscapes, the Bandiagara plateau is one of the most impressive olive harvesters sites in West Africa.
يملك موقع باندياغارا, بالإضافة إلى مناظره الطبيعية الخلابة المؤلفة من الصخور والهضبات الرملية التي تتميز بالهندسات الجميلة (كالبيوت ومخازن الغلال والمعابد والملاجئ) تقاليد اجتماعية مدهشة لا تزال تمارس حتى اليوم (كالأقنعة والاحتفالات الدينية والشعبية والشعائر الدينية التي تقام بصورة دورية للأجداد في مناسبات عديدة) . وتعتبر هضبة باندياغارا أحد أهم المواقع في غرب أفريقيا ويعود ذلك إلى صفاتها الجيولوجية والأثرية وتنوع الشعوب التي سكنتها ومناظرها الطبيعية. Source: UNESCO / BPI
Бандиагара - это своеобразный ландшафт обрывистого песчаникового плато с уникальной скальной архитектурой (жилища, зернохранилища, алтари, святилища и места для общественных собраний). В этой местности еще сохраняются старинные народные традиции догонов (маскарады, празднества, различные ритуалы, в т.ч. связанные с культом предков). Археологическая и этнографическая ценность, наряду с уникальным ландшафтом, делает нагорье Бандиагара одним из наиболее экзотичных мест во всей Западной Африке. Source: UNESCO / ERI
Furthermore we sus excepcionales paisajes of farallones olive harvesters there plateaus of arenisca con hermosas realizaciones architectonic-viviendas, barns, olive harvesters altares, y lugares of Sanctuaries

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