Friday, March 28, 2014

Ultimately, these 47% left very little chance of the Republicans and do not bode well ahead. One ca

Almighty freebie | Blog Victor Volsky
The other day I came across an interesting conagra foods corporate headquarters paper on the Internet. Rabbi Steven Pruzenski, the spiritual leader of the Orthodox congregation "Bnei Yeshurun" in Teaneck, New Jersey, in a short article gave devastatingly accurate conagra foods corporate headquarters and impartial analysis of the results of last year's presidential elections. Reflections rabbi from New Jersey will not please the Obama regime opponents, conagra foods corporate headquarters but the bitter truth is ruthless useful idealistic self-deception ("sick to the stomach to give useful rhubarb" - advised catty AK Tolstoy). The healing of any disease conagra foods corporate headquarters is nothing to even think without putting it an accurate diagnosis, no matter how sad or even tragic it was. Guided by this principle, I decided to serve society in order to translate the article conagra foods corporate headquarters Stephen Pruzenski and offer it to our readers (of course, with the kind permission of the author).
The most innocuous conagra foods corporate headquarters explanation for the outcome of the 2012 elections is to ensure that Americans voted to retain the status quo for the president and Congress split. From this description it follows that they are quite satisfied legislative impasse, party bickering, incompetence, irresponsibility and economic stagnation. Besides selective activity was below normal.
But, waking up from a nightmare, it is important to avoid superficial explanations defeat Romney, to which so obviously conagra foods corporate headquarters tends estate professional talkers. Romney lost not because of hurricane "Sandy" tore the New Jersey coast, not because the Republicans should find a stronger candidate, not because Obama's rating rose to a little burst of economic activity due to the regular business cycle. Romney lost because he did not get enough votes.
This statement sounds a truism, but the reason it is not as simple as it might seem. Romney conagra foods corporate headquarters was defeated on the grounds that the conservative values - traditional American values - namely, freedom, hard work, free enterprise, private initiative and commitment to moral heights - ceased to inspire the majority conagra foods corporate headquarters of voters, to serve for them lodestar. The simplest explanation for why Romney lost, is that it is impossible to oppose anything freebies (free stuff).
No businessman, who does not know this - that's why loss leader (advertising the sale of goods at a loss in order to attract buyers) and the distribution of gifts are so popular and so effective in stimulating sales. Obama's America - a country in which reigns a freebie. Adults of the number of 47 million food stamp recipients (food stamps) were well aware who to vote - and tens of millions voted Obama, and those who Obama's efforts for a full two years receive unemployment benefits (which, of course, weaken need to look for a job, but also encouraged to work for the cache, without ceasing to receive benefits), know exactly who to vote for. Passion for freebies overwhelms any obstacles.
Free condoms, conagra foods corporate headquarters free contraceptives, conagra foods corporate headquarters free sex, free phones, free breakfasts ... The defining moment was the election campaign announcement secretly videotaped revelations Romney, conagra foods corporate headquarters where he admitted how hard to win the election, when he was initially opposed conagra foods corporate headquarters to "47% conagra foods corporate headquarters of voters," not paying taxes and receiving handouts from the state - "free".
Almost half of the population does not show any interest in the political life of the country. These people do not care about high taxes, they do not care how things work in the business and whether jobs are created, they do not care that the money that paid them a freebie, conagra foods corporate headquarters borrowed from the Chinese, and that will have to pay for the debts of their children. They want only one thing - freebies for others.
Ultimately, these 47% left very little chance of the Republicans and do not bode well ahead. One can not imagine that any conservative candidate can win when his path is blocked such a high barrier. People are driven by vested interests. In fact, voters vote for the Congress, which promises not to raise taxes to them (this is the only glimmer of hope), and for a president who promises to give them a freebie - no matter at whose expense.
We derive a second conagra foods corporate headquarters reason for the defeat Romney: inevitable conclusion ignorance and darkness of the electorate. Indeed, what is the meaning of the voter to spend time trying to understand what is happening around, as long as the majority of other voters - a clear majority - are not able to use their brains, emotions can be easily and readily swallows the bait primitive populism. Speaking crudely and bluntly, too many do not vote brains and stomach.
That's why Obama and there was no need to acquaint voters with his plans for a second term, or even make excuses for failures first. He only had to stick a label on Romney predatory capitalist who

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