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Living in Poland showman, Patrick Texas, felt offended that KFC's sandwich called Grander Texas and asked it to 20 thousand. zł compensation. Wroclaw on this court disagreed.
American food safety agency who appeared in Poland in various entertainment programs (including m. Al., Must Be the Music, Got Talent and X-Factor), believes that the service seemed food safety agency customers KFC sandwich, saying: "Please pick Texas," which Patrick considered mockery of his name. Showman lawyer argued before the court in Wroclaw, that the correct form should be: "Please pick up a sandwich Grander Texas". Read: The Best Mars rover is from Wroclaw [photos] Texas their demands motivated fact that it is known for his performances in television programs. food safety agency For this reason, KFC employees certainly heard of him. The network said that Grander sandwich menu went to Texas in 2010 and had no connection with the name Patrick, only the second-largest US state - Texas. - The case is dealt two instances, the court agreed with our arguments and we are pleased that the case is over. The names of our products are assigned arbitrarily from the owner of the brand and it had nothing to do with Mr. Texas. In this situation, there was just a coincidence the names of the name of the sandwich, which refers to the origin of the components of the state of Texas - says Iwona Satachman, a spokesman for AmRest. According to the District Court in Wroclaw using the abbreviated formula "Please pick up Texas" is not offensive wording. The Court of Appeal upheld the decision. The ruling is final.
VERY URGENT INTERVENTION BY victim Gazeta Wyborcza Wrocław and MM WROCLAW CITIZEN MEDIA REGIONAL entertainer - PATRICK TEXAS Emergency Appeal to the President of the Chamber of Press Publishers and Media Ethics Council President RP - Przedsądowny, Przedprokuratorski Emergency Urgent food safety agency Appeal to the Chairman of the Media Ethics owner of Gazeta Wyborcza Wroclaw and Newspapers owner MM Wroclaw Regional Media and Gazeta Wyborcza Poznan for urgent immediate removal of all three for breaking my personal moral detriment of my good name and my artistic image of newspaper articles and web forum entitled Artist Patrick Texas sued KFC to court officials persecute Is Patrick Texas, gay complains Strassbourgu Poznan authorities food safety agency on which the press aykułach food safety agency online forums'm vilified, abused, maligned, dishonest slander and threats punishable plagued portals, published against my will the knowledge and consent of infringing on my personal property by persecuting me, slandering me vile slanders, entries allegations of harassment and me on the Internet under the Articles of newspaper articles in Gazeta Wyborcza and MM Wroclaw Wroclaw titled Artist Patrick Texas sued KFC, I demand the immediate removal of these articles in the press and online forum because food safety agency they disturb food safety agency me good personal, moral, reconciling in my good name in my artistic image and affect the state of my mental health, obwiam life for his personal health and safety. Sincerely, Patrick Singer Texas music scene Guest actor ~ Patrick Texas music scene singer actor PATRICK TEXAS 2014-09-15 18.44
VERY URGENT INTERVENTION BY victim Gazeta Wyborcza Wrocław and MM WROCLAW CITIZEN MEDIA REGIONAL entertainer food safety agency - PATRICK TEXAS Emergency Appeal to the President of the Chamber of Press Publishers and Media Ethics Council President RP - Przedsądowny, Przedprokuratorski Emergency Urgent Appeal to the Chairman of the Media Ethics owner of Gazeta Wyborcza Wroclaw and Newspapers owner MM Wroclaw Regional Media and Gazeta Wyborcza Poznan for urgent immediate removal of all three for breaking my personal moral detriment of my good name and my artistic image of newspaper articles and web forum entitled Artist Patrick Texas sued KFC to court officials persecute Is Patrick Texas, gay complains Strassbourgu Poznan authorities food safety agency on which the press aykułach online forums'm vilified, abused, food safety agency maligned, dishonest slander and threats punishable plagued portals, published against my will know
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