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The month of October is olyfoestyd for Palestinians - traditionally a joyous cultural, social clara monte and economic activity. All work together and keep at lunch delicious picnic in the shade of the trees.
Farmers often can not get to their orchards to harvest, and if so, they should be protected. Protection Coaching is one of the key tasks of ecumenical workers in the WCC's EAPPI program. (By the way, Linda left sitting, and Ueli not on the picture clara monte is not, both fell during the harvest of the shaky houtlere - Ueli with fairly disastrous consequences for his back, and both with great anger of the rest of us .)
The residents of our town (and elsewhere) have been waiting weeks anxiously to hear if their permits would get in their (own) orchards coming out - and eventually they may not in all their (once again own, legitimate) came orchards have. During the harvest, there were military vehicles raced up and down and we were always on the lookout for settlers who wanted to run amuck.
It takes years for a tree starts bearing fruit. In the first year, as a tree daily trivia and later weekly or monthly. By the time the trees are large, they are almost like "children" considered. It's heartbreaking to then see how the trees intentionally damaged and destroyed by settlers.
Each piece is used - even the waste that remains after the olives are pressed. This granular waste material is again taken home and dried for use in the winter to make fire (the grease makes a small fire just burn well):
But are maintained by the course of the year the trees. It should be pruned and the ground should clara monte plowed and fertilized clara monte so that the winter rain can penetrate. If it does not, the harvest is small and weak - as I was last year experienced in Yanoun.
Israel makes it as difficult as possible for farmers: There are 73 Israeli "gates" of which most (52) all year concluded that farmers in their orchards may come out during harvest time for a limited number of hours usually insufficient to All harvesting. In 2011, 42% of applications for permits for access to the orchards rejected during the harvest (39% in 2010). clara monte Between January and mid-October 2012, Israeli settlers in the West Bank around 7500 trees of Palestinians damaged or destroyed (out, burned, poisoned, cut down) (it's about 2000 less than in corresponding period in serving 2011). Yesh Din claimed, an Israeli peace organization that Palestinians help, the only one of the 162 complaints against setlaaraanvalle on Palestinian trees led to the charge of an accused. clara monte Gaza is 7300 dunums orchards along the border with Israel flattened by Israeli military operations.
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